Mirar con nuestros ojos de montaña

After a wonderful camping trip in the semi-desert, two exhibitions, deep conversations, going back and forth in search of waste paper, a diecut and several hours at the printing press, Mirar con nuestros ojos de montaña (Looking with our mountain eyes) is ready. A publication that we created together with Marcela Armas to show part of her work and life.

It results from the exhibition with the same title shown at the Carrillo Gil Art Museum and later at the Guanajuato Museum of Art and History.

It contains texts by Rossana Lara and Ariel Guzik on Marcela's work, and a conversation between Miguel Jara, Marce Armas and Mauricio Marcin held at Cañitas.

Designed at Proyectos ninguém by Maru Calva, Roberta Schroeder and Luisa Cayuela.
Image correction: Nattán Guzmán
Print: Offset Rebosán
