Inhabiting the Library

Máquina de aplausos & Biblioteca Revelaciones invited 14 women artists, booksellers, writers and curators to think about their books and libraries. This book/archive is the result of these collaborations and "explores the place of the book and knowledge in our intimate spaces.

Part of this project is to make evident the economics of infinite library exchange: in our homes, with friends and institutions, we continually exchange knowledge. It is not only in the public library where we find and acquire books, it is also, and above all, from personal collections that collective networks are created.

This book is also an apology for books and the written word, and recognizes libraries as emotional, creative, vulnerable, open and constantly under construction sites. "
-Biblioteca Revelaciones

Edition: Andrea Reed-Leal & Pepe Rentería
Designed in Ninguém: Maru Calva & Roberta Schroeder
Printed at Impresos México
